Saturday, July 9, 2011

2011 Press Pass

I generally collect a few Press Pass cards every year and occasionally open a box every now and then and am rarely let down. Knowing that a pre-rookie college based product lost their NCAA license is quite inauspicious. At the price, it may be worth the risk either way - let's see.

Price Paid: $65.95
Sale Value (on ebay): $45.00

Design: After thinking about their base design, I still don't know if I like it. It is a portrait of the player on a scoreboard with their name and stats. It's a good idea and makes losing the NCAA license passable. It really just looks more like an insert than a base card. Along with the base I also liked the classic Banner Season inserts, Power Picks, and Gridiron Gamers jersey cards. Unfortunately, the most important cards to like the design of are the autographed cards - and they are just plain boring. Also, the Class of 2011 look odd as if they only had one photo to choose from for each player. I understand they needed to eliminate helmets, but it just reminds me of the old Studio baseball cards that were very fruity. 3/5

Checklist: They had most of the guys collectors were looking for. Some of the inserts are collectible while some are not. I could go either way on this - there just wasn't much depth other than the typical bronze, silver, gold, blue. 3/5

Fun: Press Pass is always pretty fun to break because we get to see the 2011 class for the first time. Leaf Metal beat them to it and really blew Press Pass out of the water this year. Neither of them had a license and only one made nice looking hits. I had Metal in the back of my mind during this break wishing I had been able to buy two of their products instead of one Press Pass and one Metal. 3/5

What I got:
Greg Little bronze auto
Derrick Locke bronze auto
Tandon Doss /199 silver auto
Mark Ingram  Class of 2011 auto /199
Stephen Paea Gold /99 auto
Andy Dalton /225 jersey

Overall/Value: With 28 packs per box and 4 cards per pack with 6 hits I feel the value is probably about right for the price. The most disturbing fact is that I only liked the design of one of my hits - and it was the jersey card. I did get a big hit and I have seen a lot of Ingram, Jones, and Newton pulled - so it is possible to get some nice hits from this product. However, knowing that I got a good break and coming out $20 short is ridiculous and it is obvious that I was not the only one who did not like the look of this product. 3/5


My Break/Tilt: With everything said, I was happy with my break. I got what I expected and a little bit more. Any product I pull and Ingram from will get a good tilt here. 4/5

Overall: 16/25 F

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